

导游词英文 篇1

Ladies and gentlemen, there is Zhuge Liang hall. The lintels and pillars ofthe hall are covered with plaques and couplets left by predecessors. One of themost famous is a couplet hanging in the middle of Zhuge Liang's palace, whichsays: "if you can work hard, you'll lose your mind. From ancient times, you knowthat soldiers are not belligerent; if you don't judge the situation, you'll belenient and strict. Later, you'll have to think deeply about how to governShu.". Lianwen was written by Zhao fan, a native of Jianchuan, Yunnan Provincein the late Qing Dynasty.

The Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was able to use the tactics of"attacking the heart" in fighting, such as making Meng Huo's heart full ofadmiration when he was in the southern expedition. In this way, he praised ZhugeLiang as a militarist who really knew how to fight with troops, not a warlikeone.

The second couplet praises Zhuge Liang's ability to judge the situation andformulate a lenient and strict law, which has achieved good results, and remindsthose who later govern Sichuan to learn from it. This couplet makes an objectiveevaluation of Zhuge Liang's use of troops and administration, and puts forwardtwo enlightening questions of "attacking the heart" and "judging the situation".It is the top grade of the couplets on the plaque of Wuhou Temple and one of thefamous couplets in China.

In the hall of Zhuge Liang, there are statues of Zhuge Liang, his son andgrandson. Zhuge Liang is like a man on a platform in the middle of the shrine.He has a feather fan and a silk scarf. He is wearing a golden robe. He isconcerned about the country and the people, and has a deep and farsighted look,which shows the demeanor of a generation of Confucians. Zhuge Liang (181-234),who was born in Yinan, Shandong Province, was an outstanding statesman andmilitarist in Chinese history. When he was young, he lived in seclusion inLongzhong, Xiangfan. Because of his intelligence, hard work and ambition, he gotthe reputation of "Wolong". At the request of Liu Bei, he went out of themountain to assist Liu Bei and established Shu Han. After Liu Bei's death, hewas entrusted with the important task of assisting his son Liu Chan, who ruledShu for more than 20 years. He practiced enlightenment, gave strict rewards andpunishments, selected talents and appointed talents, built water conservancy,developed production, marched south to central China, and attacked Qishan in thenorth. With loyalty, diligence, honesty and intelligence, he brought stabilityand prosperity to Shu. Chen Shou, a historian, commented that the state of Shuat that time had clear politics, honest and upright people, open fields, richwarehouses, and peaceful scenes everywhere. Due to overwork, he died inwuzhangyuan army at the age of 54. He was buried at the foot of Dingjun mountainin Mianxian County, Shaanxi Province.

Zhuge Liang has done a lot of good things in his life, such as beingdiligent, loving the people and being beneficial to social progress. After hisdeath, people miss him very much and respect him very much for his spirit ofdevoting himself to his life. As a result, people built one Wuhou Temple afteranother to commemorate him, and worshipped him as a model of loyal officials,virtuous prime minister and the embodiment of wisdom.

Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Shang, the grandson of ZhugeLiang, led the Wei army to fight a decisive battle in Mianzhu when the Shu HanDynasty was faced with survival. Finally, they died for their country becausethey were outnumbered.

There is a bronze drum in Zhuge Liang hall, which is a cultural relic inthe fifth and sixth centuries. Bronze drum, originally a cooking utensil ofsouthwest ethnic minorities in ancient times, has appeared as early as thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later, the bronze drumgradually evolved into a kind of musical instrument and ritual instrument, whichwas used in gatherings and celebrations. It was also a symbol of wealth andpower. It is said that Zhuge Liang used this kind of bronze drum during hissouthern expedition. It was used for cooking in the daytime and for alarming inthe evening. Therefore, it is also called Zhuge drum.

In the wing rooms on both sides outside the hall, there are woodcut poemson display. It's in the west wing_ In the East chamber, there are 12 pieces ofwoodcut "Longzhongdui" and "chushibiao".

Sanyi Temple:

After leaving Zhuge Liang hall, there is Sanyi temple. Sanyi Temple got itsname from offering sacrifices to Liu, Guan and Zhang, who were the three membersof Taoyuan. The temple was built in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, with four entrances and five halls. Now only worship hall, main hall,into a courtyard layout. Sanyi temple was originally located in Tidu street inthe center of the city. Due to the need of urban construction, it was moved herein 1997. In the relocation project, in strict accordance with the nationalregulations on cultural relics, the original building components were removed byserial number and transported to the new site to be built according to theserial number to restore the original appearance.

The restored Sanyi temple is towering, and its architectural form is thesame as that of Liubei hall. The roof is a single eaves hard hill type, coveredby green simple tiles. The structure is a wood stone structure, with a beamlifting wooden frame, and the columns and column bases are made of stone. Thereare 40 round columns carved from the whole stone, with a diameter of 0. Fivemeters. There are 24 stone pillars engraved with 12 couplets in gold. In themain hall, clay statues of Liu, Guan and Zhang are restored, and ten stone linedrawings of the story of the three kingdoms are added to the two walls of thegallery. The painting is taken from the Ming Dynasty version of the romance ofthe Three Kingdoms. The materials of these paintings are as follows: Taoyuan SanJie Yi, San Ying Zhan Lu Bu, Zhang Fei whipping du you, Liu Bei recruitingrelatives, Guan Gong scraping bone to cure poison, etc.

Tomb of Liu Bei:

From Sanyi temple to the west, cross the small bridge, pass Guihe buildingand Qinting, and enter the Red Wall Road surrounded by green bamboo. At the endof the road is Liu Bei's tomb. The earth mound of Liu Bei's tomb is 12 metershigh and covered with green shade. There is a 180 meter long brick wallsurrounding the mausoleum. There are steles and halls in front of themausoleum.

After failing to defeat Wu, Liu Bei retreated to Baidi city and settled in220 ad_ He died of illness in April. In May, Zhuge Liang Fuling pivot back toChengdu, August burial, tomb known as "Huiling.". Huiling is a tomb for husbandand wife. At the same time, Mrs. Gan, the mother of empress Liu Chan, wasburied. 20_ Five years later, empress mu, another wife of Liu Bei, died and wasalso buried here. The tomb is more than 1700 years ago. No theft has been found.The condition of the tomb is unknown.

There is a story in Youyang Zazu written by Duan Chengshi in the TangDynasty: a group of tomb robbers entered Liu Bei's Huiling mausoleum on a darknight. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the lights were shining inside.Liu Bei was playing chess with one man and ten warriors stood by one side.Scared out of their wits, the thieves knelt down one after another to beg formercy. Liu Bei waved to the guards to give them jade belts and Qiongjiang. Theydrank the jade paste, tied the jade belt, and climbed out of the hole in panic.Looking back, the hole was naturally sealed. The jade belt became a big snake,wrapped around their waist, and the jade paste became glue and stuck to theirmouth. It is said that no one dares to touch Liu Bei's tomb any more.

Out of Liu Bei's tomb, we come to the newly built exhibition area of "ThreeKingdoms culture". The exhibition area consists of exhibition hall and externalenvironment. The external environment is composed of gods and beasts Tianlu,dispelling evil spirits, remnant pillars of the Han Palace, soldiers fightingfor the country, stone inscriptions on the remnant wall, Linjiang immortal byYang Shen, and preface of stone inscriptions. The exhibition hall is dividedinto five exhibition areas, which are war situation, a glimpse of agricultureand mulberry, folk customs, art and forest, and the lingering charm of Liufeng.There are hundreds of cultural relics, materials and pictures on display. Thematerials are rich and colorful, the artistic techniques are vivid andintuitive, and the collection of knowledge and appreciation is one of them,which is very worthy of careful observation.

导游词英文 篇2

Hello, everyone! Today we are visiting the Forbidden City in Beijing. I'mShiyu, the tour guide. Just call me Xiaoshi. I hope I can give you the bestservice.

The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperialpalace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It is the largest and most completeancient wooden structure building group in the world. It began in the fourthyear of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1406 AD) and took 14 years to complete. Atotal of 24 emperors successively ascended the throne and ruled China for morethan 500 years.

Now in front of us is the magnificent ancient palace - the Forbidden City.You see, these four walls are palace walls, and there are tall gates on allsides of the palace walls. Wuwu gate is in the south, Donghua gate is in theEast, and Xihua gate is in the West. The turrets of the four "Gates" of thepalace walls are unique in style and beautiful in shape. Now, please come withme to the Taihe hall, the largest palace in the Forbidden City. This is theplace where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties summoned officials, issuedorders and held celebrations. There are 11 rooms in the hall, 5 rooms in depthand pillars outside. The inside and outside of the hall is 14 meters high, 63meters wide and 2377 square meters in area. It is the largest wooden hall inChina.

Now we come to Zhonghe hall. Zhonghe hall is a place for the emperor toexercise etiquette on his way to Taihe hall.

Baohe hall was the place where the emperor entertained the princes andnobles of foreign vassals and the military ministers in Beijing.

Let's take a look at Wenhua hall. It is the reading Office of the crownprince of the Ming Dynasty. Qianqingmen is the boundary between the imperialcourt and the imperial court, from which the imperial court is located to thenorth. The palace of the Qing Dynasty was the place where the Ming and Qingemperors lived. Do you know that the TV series huanzhu gege was shot by theForbidden City.

Well planned, magnificent and magnificent, this is the Forbidden City ofour country. No matter in the plane layout, the three-dimensional effect and theform of majestic, grand, solemn, harmonious all belong to incomparablemasterpiece. It marks China's long cultural tradition and shows the outstandingachievements in architectural art more than 500 years ago.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's tour is coming to an end. I'm very happy tohave a wonderful time with you. If you are not satisfied with my tour guidetoday, please correct me. Have a good time! Thank you.

导游词英文 篇3

Changsha city, referred to as "long, nickname" star city ", "chu city", is also the provincial capital of hunan province, my hometown. By mountain city is the most valuable gift of nature to changsha. The beautiful land of write too much better on historical spanning, dufu.longhai left "jiangnan landscape, the fallen petal season and every gentleman" song of eternal; Zhang Shi song dynasty, zhu xi in yuelu academy teaching twice; More generation great man MAO zedong crowd j head, high-spirited, encouraging words...

When it comes to changsha, people naturally think of j head, the xiangjiang river sight. Orange continent, some people say that it is a painting, plum for spring, zhu qing Elizabeth Barbara ohm, orange, yellow, orange, green, silver. Orange continent, someone says it is a poem, between heaven and earth day flow, the ancient and modern in character. The emotion recalling ancientry, master the ups and downs. Orange continent, is the green pearl inlaid in the xiangjiang river, changsha is the pride of the people. Xiangjiang river sight all sight fully reflects the natural scenery in hunan province, a beautiful environment, is a good place for tourists sightseeing trip, and citizen exercise night tour of the state. Xiangjiang river is the mother river of the changsha, it surging south, bubbling to the north, zhao mountain in changsha city, the three han alum turned to the northwest, to Joe for wangcheng, in yueyang dongting, through the changsha city about 25 kilometers. The xiangjiang river on both sides of the red cliff, such as chardonnay, white as snow, sand willows, such as silk, Qiang sails as a cloud, make a beautiful sight along the river in changsha.

When it comes to changsha, nature is little not food. Hunan cuisine is one of the eight great cuisines of China. Today changsha delicacies already known: squid spicy small lobster, iron plate, stinky tofu, hot and sour powder... Eating in changsha, oneself of breath, "food" is interesting, such as "eat" such as drunk. In star city streets, how many traditional snacks waiting for, and how many trendy snack make people hope.

With the expansion of the city, the changes of flickering skyscrapers. At the same time, the street is lined with trees on both sides, we like to live in the garden. Straight, clean, clean, spacious avenue of traffic of the city changes with each passing day, make the camp of the new road tunnel urbanization construction on a new stage; Wuhan-guangzhou high-speed accelerated economic exchanges and coastal cities in central China, greatly improved the living standards of people; The city subway and light rail would be built and also greatly facilitates people's travel.

Changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan urban agglomeration in 20xx formally approved by the national construction of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly comprehensive reform pilot area, become the rise of central China "engine", drive the economic development of China. Was to press evaluation, "changzhutan economic integration both experience and lessons, whether success or setbacks, will be to the Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta, bohai sea region these newcomers profound enlightenment." Believe in changsha will be more beautiful tomorrow.

I love my hometown, my beautiful star city - changsha.

导游词英文 篇4

Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum, I'm glad to serve you, I am the guide from this journey all Korean an inscription, everyone call me Korean guide line. Today I accompanied him you have a good time.

Now, you have came to the Forbidden City, which is located in the centre of Beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, it is the Palace Museum. The palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

Let's watch the center axis of the palace! The central axis in the central axis of Beijing city. After the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. On both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

Looking at central axis, art treasures museum! Some of the Forbidden City palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the Ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. According to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

Even the palace of the four corner, every Angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. One day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the Forbidden City on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. One day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, that's nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! The carpenter immediately to the secretary. From then on, they left such turrets.

Dear visitors, our today's tour end, right now, today's explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I am thankful. Finally, I wish you all have fun! thank you

导游词英文 篇5

Yangshan, nine mountain jiuhua mountain called ling, for nine peaks shaped like a lotus, began years (742 ~ 756) renamed the jiuhua mountain. For the three big mountains of inclined column in the south of anhui (one of the huangshan mountain and jiuhua mountain, b). Located in chizhou anhui province county territory, on the other side of the Yangtze river and the tianzhu mountain in northwest, southeast of the huangshan taiping lake and the happiness, is a "two mountain lake" in anhui, huangshan mountain and jiuhuashan mountain, taiping lake) gold tourist area north of the main entrance, the main scenic spots. 120 kilometers, the total area of 120 square kilometers, the highest peak 1342 meters above sea level, the center of jiu hua street geographical coordinates for longitude 117 °, 30 ° latitude.

Jiuhua mountain main body is composed of yanshan period granite, give priority to with peak, valley basin, mix water fountain. Ermeishan mountain rocky cragginess, a total of 99 peaks, of which tiantai, sky column, ten Kings, lotus, lohan, esteems, lotus and other nine peaks are most magnificent. Ten wang feng, highest elevation 1342 meters. Mainly concentrated in 100 square kilometers, within the scope of the scenery has nine son springs sound stream, five mountains, sea of clouds, flat, snow lotus peak, tiantai xiao day, month ShuTan seal, MinYuan bamboo sea, phoenix ancient pine trees, etc. High mountain monastery, cigarette smoke, and ancient towering, quiet, witty, known as the "lotus buddhist," said. Existing temple, 78, Buddha more than 78. The temples of the famous sweet dew temple, temple city, only garden temple, an ancient name for sandalwood, centenarians palace, meditation room, Lin hui ju temple, such as collection of thousands of pieces of cultural relics. In the mountains and money tree, jingle birds, giant salamander and other rare animals and plants.

In the mountain under well, cloud above the table, the different shape of overlapping peaks, the number nine, so the number nine mountain. Began years great poet-saint Li Baiceng number of jiuhua mountain, see the mountain show, nine peaks such as lotus, want to sing with my friends in the "change son nine mountain jiuhua interference and preface of yue:" miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua ", so "nine mountain" instead of "jiuhua mountain". Li Baiyin jiuhua did: "yesterday in jiujiang (Yangtze river), far out at nine huafeng, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus. I would like to a wave of his hand, who can phase from? Jun as the host, the lie chamaecyparis pisifera." "Tianhe hangs green water, show nine lotus" verse be depicted of the beautiful scenery of the jiuhua mountain song.

Liu yuxi in tang dynasty mountain at the praise: "qifeng saw surprised soul", "naturally endowed a stunner. "A river of wang wei painting, stone for Li Baishi". Jiuhua mountain, around a deep ditch canyon, hang down deep pools, the water flowing waterfall, spectacular, just like a picture of a pure and fresh and natural landscape picture scroll. The view is it everywhere, people moving scene change, the qing dynasty summed up there are ten views "9". After the opening to the outside world, the new monarch eight scenic spots, hundreds of new attractions. Old and new attractions in photograph reflect, natural xiuse accommodation with human landscape, combined with the four seasons, when the scene, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, rime, snow, sleet, Buddha's light and other wonders, beautiful, amazing, linger. Known as "southeast first mountain", "jiangnan first mountain" of reputation.

导游词英文 篇6


Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, guide Lin today, you don't call me leadership oh! I just named Lin tour guide, ha ha!


Today we're going to places of interest, the Palace Museum. In the distance, I first simple introduce the Forbidden City!


Ancient palace called the Forbidden City, because is qingming festival two generations of the palace, so very tall majestic, covers an area of about 720xx0 square meters. The guests in the constitution, may not be able to finish the imperial palace to swim oh, hope everybody can rest in the car, to bound for the 720xx0 square meters of the Forbidden City.


Previously, spent a lot of people in the Forbidden City, there are general, warriors, maid... Takes tens of thousands of houses, and the ancient science and technology is not developed, not like we just dozens of family a high-rise buildings, and they had to build more than 9000 house hold so many people.


The emperor is in need of protection, the soldiers in the imperial palace is the need to sleep at night, unable to protect. So wise emperor around the Forbidden City built a long a moat 52 meters wide, the enemy ships, also sorry to the moat.


The Palace Museum has been on the world heritage list. There are a lot of foreign tourists, they won't litter graffito of the scribble,. Hope to be Chinese, we say "no" to uncivilized behavior, make our country proud! Prepare to get off...

导游词英文 篇7

Ladies and gentlemen!

Hello everyone! My name is Yiming. I'm your guide. Today, I will take youto visit the "three Confucius": Confucius' mansion, Confucius' temple andConfucius' forest.

Sage Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to have friends fromafar." I'm very happy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you.Please criticize and correct the shortcomings.

Before visiting Sankong, please allow me to introduce Qufu. Qufu is locatedat the junction of Luzhong district and southwest plain of Shandong Province. LiBai, a great poet, once described Qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends,pointing to a desperate situation, with mountains and waters as green asorchids". Now let's visit the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple is located inthe center of Qufu City. It is a charming building built by ancient people forthe great thought and broad spiritual quality of Confucius. It covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. There are 466 buildings and54 gateways. In addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. It is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. Every tree, every door's name contains the thought ofConfucius' benevolence.

The Confucius Mansion is adjacent to the Confucius Temple. It is theresidence of the eldest son of the sage Confucius. It has three roads and ninecourtyards. It has 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240 mu.Confucius Mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can reproduce and continue,

After entering the gate of Confucius' mansion, there are three roads to theback of Confucius' mansion. On the East Road, there are Yiguan hall, muen hall,Confucius' family temple, etc.; on the West Road, there are red calyx hall,Zhongshu hall, Anhuai hall, flower hall, etc.; on the Middle Road, there are themain buildings of Confucius' mansion, the first half of which is the governmentoffice, and the second half is the inner house.

Konglin is a special cemetery for the family of Confucius, the oldest andlargest family cemetery in the world. It covers an area of more than 3000 mu.The surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 Li long.There are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest. Among thetrees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.

Now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself,you can also play games, picnics and other activities, but you must ensurehealth.

This is the end of the visit to "three holes".

导游词英文 篇8

All right, friends, have you got everything?Now we're ready to go. When weget up in the morning, we all feel how clean the air is and how wonderful lifeis. The happy journey is going to start. The weather today is , the highesttemperature, the minimum temperature . Hainan is a no winter Island, the sun ishot all year round, after getting off, we should pay attention to sunprotection, wear hats, umbrellas, sunscreen. Well, here's a schedule fortoday.

How did Haikou get its name?Because the Nandu River empties into the sea,so called Haikou, it also has a beautiful name called Sanya Yecheng, also calledLucheng, is also called the overseas Chinese town, the demon city 's cupola.

Haikou city is the province's political, economic, cultural andtransportation center, and the newly merged Qiongshan City, the city areaincreased 10 times, reaching 2300 square kilometers, the population is more than1 times, reaching 1 million 500 thousand, Haikou city has four districts:XiuyingDistrict and Longhua District, Qiongshan district and Meilan district. To surveythe present situation of Haikou, one sentence is more accurate:the foundation ofa small city, the size of a medium—sized city, the spirit of a big city. Whenthe province was built in 88, the "one hundred thousand talents under Hainan"set off an upsurge of immigration, which made a city full of youth and vitality,but also brought about some unstable factors.

导游词英文 篇9

Dear tourists, how are you? I'm your guide. You can call me Liu Dao. Whatwe're going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place where the emperorworshiped heaven.

Emperor Yongle of the Ming dynasty built the altar for heaven worship inthe south of Beijing, imitating the Great Hall of worship in Nanjing. The mainbuilding is the Great Hall of worship, which is the location of today's Hall ofpraying for new year. The temple of heaven has outer wall and inner wall. It isround in the north and square in the south.

Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whatwe are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. There are two enclosure walls in the round hill,which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statementthat the sky is round and the place is round. What needs to be mentioned inparticular is that the place where the emperor stood was the Tianxin stone inthe center of the mesa. He is one of the three acoustic phenomena in the templeof heaven. When reading aloud here, the voice is particularly loud, and now it'sthe same here. You tourists may as well experience the strange effect, and likethe emperor of that year, tell God your good wishes.

As you may have noticed just now, there are many cypress trees in thetemple of heaven. Yes, it's like a natural oxygen bar in Beijing. Among theseancient cypresses, there is a cypress over 500 years old, which is the ninedragon cypress outside the west wall of echo wall. Its trunk texture is verystrange, full of ravines, and twisted, like nine dragons winding around playing,so it is not too much to call it Jiulong cypress. Please don't climb trees. Payattention to your words and deeds. This is a sacred place. We should keep aquiet mind,

After liberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of Beijing's urban green space. Not onlytourists come here, but also some elderly people who are specially for physicalfitness.

Today's tour is over. I hope this tour can make you remember and leave adeep memory in your heart.

I hope you will come again next time.
