

法语口语考试自我介绍 篇1

Bonjour, tout le monde! Maintenant perttez-moi de me presenter.


Je m'appelle ,et j'ai 22 ans.

Je viens de Yangzhou ,une belle ville de la province du Jiangsu.

J'étudie l'anglais dans l'Unversite de Xi'an. Et maintenant je suis en seconde année.


Il y a trois personnes dans ma famile :mon père ,ma mère et moi. Mon père est ouvrier. Il travaille dans une usine. Et ma mère, elle est une femme au foyer.

Je n'ai pas ni frère ni sur. Je suis fille unique dans ma famille.



J' aime bien le film et le sport. Chaque semaine, je vois des films différents et fais beaucoup de sport. J' aime aussi lire et ecoutér de la musique. Quand j'ai le temps, c'est toujours devant l'ordinateur pour jouir des chansons francaises et anglaises. Je ne suis pas une grande liseuse, mais je lis non seulement des livres sérieux mais aussi des romans et des poèmes.



Il y a 3 mois que j' apprends le franais. Je m’intéresse beaucoup au francais et rve d’aller en France un jour. J’ai le confiance de l’apprendre bien. J’espère d'avoir l’opportunité de continuer mes études.


Voila c'est tout. Merci! (就是这些。谢谢!)

法语口语考试自我介绍 篇2

Hi, today I am a professor. I am very happy to meet you here. First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you.

My name is Changlong. My hometown is Nanning. This is a very beautiful city.

When I was a little boy, I was interested in biological science. Every possible one had a dream. I also remember that my dream was to be a biologist.

I like to make miracles In the same way, if we have to exist in the universe, then I will find the answer book myself. I still believe that interest is the best teacher today. Secondly, I will introduce the major universities in China.

I mainly focus on bioengineering. The relationship between Bioscience and them can be shown as an example: rivers, bioscience, this frequently discovered new discovery and Theory, which is the commander of our country's main rivers and, in fact, pays more attention to utilization. It seems that at the end of the year, the interaction between them is not very good.

In the discovery and theoretical Biological Sciences, products can be transformed as soon as possible. All the four-year college education in modern industry has given me a lot of things to learn. There are many opportunities to try and a lot of programs to improve myself, not only teaching me how to learn I have put forward a lot of good friends to help me improve my study and research ability, make everything look like a person, and often introduce me to a good learning mode in addition to me.

I also have many advantages in my spare time. I may play football, which is why I want to enhance my health How to teach me to join a group to deal with other people's painting and writing is another support for me. In short, I choose a wide range of subjects.

I think in biological science, to improve our learning ability, I will strive to join new groups and do a good job in graduate students.

法语口语考试自我介绍 篇3

Bonjour , je vais me presenter!

Je m'appelle Zhang YIN, je suis Chinois, je viens de Canton, c'est le capital de Province de Guangdong !

J'ai 25 ans, Je parle Mandarin, Cantonais, Anglais, Francais, et un peu d'Allemand !

J'ai etudie le commerce international pendant 4 ans a Paris et aussi fait beaucoup d'amis , ils sont sympathiques!

J'aime la lecture, le voyage! Mon reve est de voyager seul dans le monde entier!

Merci !






