

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇1

Today, I saw an very interesting movie. The story was about a boy met a girl who lived next to him since he was very small. The girl was so active and the boy was very shy. The boy was scared by the girl’s passion. When they were middle school students, the boy tried to get rid of the girl, but the boy started to realize the girl was very special. Though she was not as beautiful as the girl he once liked at school, he was attracted by her feature. The girl had a beautiful soul. She was not skin-deep and she has her own thinking. The boy realized that she was the best.


优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇2

When i was growing up, i was embarrassed to be seen with my father. he was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. i would inwardly squirm at the unwanted attention. if he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on.

It was difficult to coordinate our steps —— his halting, mine impatient —— and because of that, we didn't say much as we went along. but as we started out, he always said, "you set the pace. i will try to adjust to you. "our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. he went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. he almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. a matter of pride.

When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help. at such times my sisters or i would pull him through the streets of brooklyn, ny, on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance. once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free. in manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in brooklyn' on his way home.when i think of it now, i marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. and at how he did it —— without bitterness or complaint 。

He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. what he looked for in others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the owner was good enough for that i am older, i believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though i still don' t know precisely what a "good heart" is. but i know the times i don’t have one myself.unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. when a local sandlot baseball team found itself |without a manager, he kept it going. he was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to ebbets field to see the brooklyn dodgers play. he liked to go to dances and parties, where he could have a good time just sitting and watching.

On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving. he wasn't content to sit and watch, but he couldn't stand unaided on the soft sand. in frustration he began to shout, "i' ll fight anyone who will tit down with me!"nobody did. but the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began.i now know he participated in some things vicariously through me, his only son. when i played ball (poorly), he "played" too. when i joined the navy he "joined" too. and when i came home on leave, he saw to it that " i visited his office. introducing me, he was really saying, "this is my son, but it is also me, and i could have done this, too, if things had been different." those words were never said aloud.

He has been gone many years now, but i think of him often. i wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. if he did, i am sorry i never told him how sorry i was, how unworthy i was, how i regretted it. i think of him when i complain about trifles, when i am envious of another's good fortune, when i don't have a "good heart"。

At such times i put my hand on his arm to regain my balance, and say, "you set the pace, i will try to adjust to you."

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇3











A young school teacher had a dream that an angel appeared to him and said, “You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world leader. How will you prepare her so that she will realize her intelligence, grow in confidence, develop both her assertiveness and sensitivity, be open-minded, yet strong in character?”

The young teacher awoke in a cold sweat. It had never occurred to him before——any ONE of his present or future students could be the person described in his dream. Was he preparing them to rise to ANY POSITION to which they may aspire? He thought, “How might my teaching change if I KNEW that one of my students were this person?” He gradually began to formulate a plan in his mind.

This student would need experience as well as instruction. His teaching changed. Every young person who walked through his classroom became, for him, a future world leader. He saw each one, not as they were, but as they could be. He expected the best from his students, yet tempered it with compassion. He taught each one as if the future of the world depended on his instruction.

After many years, a woman he knew rose to a position of world prominence. He realized that she must surely have been the girl described in his dream. Only she was not one of his students, but rather his daughter. For of all the various teachers in her life, her father was the best.

I’ve heard it said that “Children are living messages we send to a time and place we will never see.” But this isn’t simply a parable about an unnamed school teacher. It is a parable about you and me——whether or not we are parents or even teachers. And the story, OUR story, actually begins like this:

“You will be given a child who will grow up to become…” You finish the sentence. If not a world leader, then a superb father? An excellent teacher? A gifted healer? An innovative problem solver? An inspiring artist? A generous philanthropist?

Where and how you will encounter this child is a mystery. But believe that one child’s future may depend upon influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will happen. For no young person will ever be ordinary to you again. And you will never be the same.

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇4

As the saying goes: "People are suffering from belly." In life, just this meager distance, just gain from the Galaxy between people, and we can only guess the opponent's heart on both ends of the Galaxy. Is this not too tired? Why don't you take your heart out to dry? To dry the soul in the sun, let the soul don't have a heart to cover, and breathe this beautiful air in the world freely. So, the whole person has become quiet, followed, and the mood has become comfortable, and the soul has become pure and natural. No separation, people are harmonious, beautiful. The most simple manner has been fully interpreted at that moment. To dry the soul in the sun, sincerely say your voice, the people around you will understand you, forgive you, respect you. All people will be happy with you because of your frank, and exchange your heart. And you, just open your own heart, open your heart, let the hot heart feel the nourishment of the sun. To dry the soul in the sun, enjoy the warmth of the secret. Never use anything to hide anything, the soul fly freely in the sky. Without the secret burden, there is no hard work, simple happiness is like this to grow in the sun. Postscript: In this world, everyone is living with a mask. However, the mask is cold, can't bring happiness, bringing people to a tired heart. I believe our mind is simple and beautiful, just contaminated by the dust of the world. Wash the stains of the soul, dry the soul in the sun, the warmth of the world seeps into the human mind, the world will return to its previous look: bright, warm, happiness.

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇5

Living the Ideal Kindness is an ideal that is easily accessible to all of us. We all know that a small kindness can make our journeys lighter and more enjoyable. Even bringing an instance of kindness to mind can put a smile on your face days or weeks later or perhaps even inspire you to share kindness with another. Though it may seem simple to the point of insignificance, many cultures throughout the world and history have recognized kindness as a powerful virtue. It may be the simplest way to experience and share all the grandest ideals of humanity. We can make the choice to act from the best place within ourselves at any time, while simultaneously recognizing the highest potential in another with the smallest of acts, nourishing the seed of hope in each soul we encounter.

In a way, kindness acts as the oil that makes the engine of our world move more smoothly and with less friction. We can still get where we are going but the ride is more pleasant, and those around us can share in the ideal world that we help to create. We are all fortunate that kindness is limitless in its supply and available to everyone. When we act in ways that confirm our ideals, we make the ideal our reality. Then, instead of affirming the experience of struggle and competition, we can shift our experience to the reality of ease and pleasurable camaraderie with the fellow citizens of the world.

Whether giving way to someone in traffic or letting someone go ahead of us in line, donating money or sharing our homes in a crisis, we actively create a universe of kindness and giving with every choice we make. The smallest gesture can bring a smile to light the shadow of an unpleasant situation or remove tension from a difficult task, but it’s effects can echo and extend far beyond the moment. We can be sure that we will receive a kindness in return, but giving is its own reward. Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well, giving us all a glimpse of the glow that has the power to enlighten our world.

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇6

On January 21, 2007, the dog face pigs like a wolf, it is true! But they have no points, dog face pigs like to wandered, no one can suppress her, dog face pig thinking is some dementia, dog face will send a lot of temper, and the face is also very fast, and loves the pig to call himself - - Dog face pig! The wolf began to like pigs, but it was more and more to find it like a mistake.

He regretted, regret that he is too hit, but because of the young and everything is coming! Blow it! On January 26, the dog's face is getting more and more, I am a discard, no one cares about her, dog face pigs are poor, she doesn't know how to deal with the interpersonal relationship around her, and the circle is a big bored. ! Dog face pig is worthy of dog face pig! After the dog is angry, I will also eat a lot, and it seems that it is not enough, how many don't be too much, it is really a "pig"! Dog face pigs want to escape, hide yourself, live dog face pigs are simply sad (syntax is wrong)!

She doesn't even know what their ideals, I think she is the biggest ideal should have a good interpersonal circle, live with friends, live with lovers, and enjoy a dining with their families! I think it should be like this! The dog's face will only be eliminated, she doesn't know how to change, dead brains, Elm! As early as N years ago, her old lady smashed her. Her old lady thought that she didn't have such a "Elm" grew up, who knows her "Capital"! Dog face pig, sad! I want to come to the dog's face, she accepts, people who want to leave the dog face, she also accepts, dog face pigs!

The dog's face is just a silly confidence, "the beginning of the person, good"! In fact, the dog's face has always pursued a true friendship. This may be her pursuit of her life. From now, it is now, but no one understands her idea practice, think her idea practice If you don't meet, then there is a matter of things, but she is too "Elm" and cannot be accepted. Perhaps there is no pure feeling at all in this world - the kind of dog face in the heart of the dog. There is a deep inferiority in the dog's heart, it is very deep 。.。 This is the root source of the dog's face pig, and makes them all, the dog's idea is too naive, too vicious!

Maybe the dog face pig really does not live in this cruel competition society? ! Dog face pigs are not clear what they are inferior, but she does exist, I don't know when this self-paralysis will gradually disappear, let the dog face pigs again, become a sun pig! Inforbremony, dog face pigs and it fight, but fight it, now it is five years, dog face pigs are still dark! Dog face pigs hate themselves, hate yourself "put" out to make yourself again 。.。 The dog's face is really unfortunate, she doesn't "indulge", let himself abide by the so-called "ideological and morality", As for the idea of u200bu200bdog face, it is not recognized 。.。

Who can free your dog face from inferior? She will be very grateful! It is possible to have the body. However, this is just a fantasy, never realized, the dog face pigs are destined for life, melancholy, because in other people's eyes, she is just a neuropathy! No one has enough patience to save her from inferior, dog face pigPerhaps I have been used to my inferior taste, I am used to being wronged, I am screaming myself, and I have twitched with tears.

I then laughed a few times, I had a big meal, even if it's, it's really not, and then ridiculous.Sature yourself 。.。 make your hair messy, holding your face, standing on a pair of little eyes, writing with a pen, either looks like the mirror, stay, tired, sleep!These two days of dog face began to cough again, and the scorpion is wrong, this is no doubt about the dog's February 25, the dog's face was completely collapsed, and it was blown with his boyfriend. Although this is the expected result, she still does not want to accept!。.。 The dog's face is a small outer number, the wolf is her boyfriend.Dog face is more depressed!

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇7

The soul is long, and there is freedom to walk. Like wind, there is an invisible footsteps, more than some entzes, is free. Dare to swim, just like dare to walk, have such a heart, not imprisoned, like a bird living in nature, has a vast space, sing, stroll, or date. Run in the wild, flying in Yunxia, u200bu200bdancing on the treetop 。.。 accompanied by happiness. Of course, there are also awkward. There is a feet who can't do it, it's a closed self. In a "smooth" word, it is a companion, but it has made a "sleepy" word and "tired" word, there is a pair of foot, but Don't step back. Who can say that God is unfair? ! I was touched by Helen Keller, touched her "three days of light" power; I am proud of Zhang Haidi, proud of her indomitable, her life, writing life; I am proud of Sanglan, because, in my compatriots In the blood, there is a spirit, called forget me, giving people awe. There are many people like them, with a bad body, support a beautiful sky, lick your my mind - they are the footsteps of the soul, walking, leaping, enlighten! I am born in a country where I stay away from the downtown, I used to read the world from the book from the low-tech class; I used to look up at the wide field; I once chased it on the country road. The flying car runs; hopes like a wings, there is a flying xx, the ordinary days grow dreams, and it is a bit to extend into a way forward, confused in the dream, listening The footsteps of the soul walking 。.。 Many times, in fact, we are awakened by dreams, being treated by the soul, and chased by the days. The footsteps of the soul are not only for others and encouragement, but also encourage yourself. At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, the moment of the sky, countless life was taken away from the fragile life, but we are happy to see: under the ruins, there is a flower of life, tenacity Bloom; on the death line, there is a relay of the rescue of people, in the warmth of life; in the valley, in the lecture hall, in the street, the heart of the heart, busy, relay, powerful! What is, let the behavior forget me, let life more robust, let the spirit are more tallful? ! In the footsteps of the soul, there is the most loud answer! The footsteps of the soul, so awkward; the footsteps of the soul, so moving; the footsteps of the soul are so wonderful. There is a heroic warrior, on the cliff and cliff, brave climbing; there is a burly sailor, in the savvy waves, mysterious walking; there is a fairy, in the field of hope, passion dance; the footsteps of the soul, let life, Writing a sense of stunning, hope and dream! The footsteps of the soul make life more about another posture, forward.

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇8

when she was very little, he would pick her up, hum a tune and dance with her around the room, and he would tell her, "i love you, little girl."

when the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, "i love you, little girl." the little girl would pout and say, "im not a little girl anymore." then the man would laugh and say, "but to me, youll always be my little girl."the little girl who-was-not-little-anymore left her home and went into the world. as she learned more about herself, she learned more about the man. she saw that he truly was great and strong, for now she recognized his strengths. one of his strengths was his ability to epress his love to his family. it didnt matter where she went in the world, the man would call her and say, "i love you, little girl."

the day came when the little girl who-was-not-little-anymore received a phone call. the great man was damaged. he had had a stroke. he was aphasic, they eplained to the girl. he couldnt talk anymore and they werent sure that he could understand the words spoken to him he could no longer smile, laugh, walk, hug, dance or tell the little girl who-was-not-little-anymore that he loved her.and so she went to the side of the great man. when she walked into the room and saw him, he looked small and not strong at all. he looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not.

the little girl did the only thing she could do. she climbed up on the bed net to the great man. tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the useless shoulders of her father.her head on his chest, she thought of many things. she remembered the wonderful times together and how she had always felt protected and cherished by the great man. she felt grief for the loss she was to endure, the words of love that had comforted her.and then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. the heart where the music and the words had always lived. the heart beat on, steadily unconcerned about the damage to the rest of the body. and while she rested there, the magic happened. she heard what she needed to hear.

his heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say …

i love you! i love you! i love you!

little girl! little girl! little girl!

and she was comforted.

优秀英语作文美丽的心灵 篇9

The beauty of appearance is not important, and it is important. Gorgeous coat is not real beauty, noble morality is the purest beauty. Beauty is in the heart. If a person has no morality, if there is no soul, he is only ugly in his heart, and life is dirty; if there is morality, there is everything warm, care, happiness 。.。 life is more beautiful. Life is like a gem. If you use moral striped, it will be more splendid, and you will be more beautiful. Our village has a 60-year-old grandfather, he is hardworking, optimistic. He has a lot of places in our village. Although he is very busy, it is very hard, but he insists on participating in the Self-Patients Association of Hydroers, and he often participates in public welfare funds, dedication to our own love, "people" The biggest happiness comes from the help of others. "The grandfather is happy with himself and helped others. This is a great spirit, and it is even a condominable wealth.

Last time, I found that there was a pile of waste paper at the corner of the corridor, but no one will pay for a few days. I have discussed my father. Since these waste paper nor people want, it affects everyone, it is better to make it clean, give you a smooth corridor. Dad cast a look at me. If you don't have to dry, go up and down, just cleaned it. Although no one saw, no one praised us, but our heart is beautiful. Maybe we can't make a big event, but you can start from a little bit of little things, everything is good for everyone, our moral level will be sublimated. "The intensive steps are thousands of miles, Hui Xiaoxi is in Jianghe Lake." "Don't be evil, don't be small, not" let us start from now, from ourselves, consciously do moral construction promoters, practitioners and defenders, let the beauty of our minds the way.
