
初一英语上册第一单元练习题示例 篇1



1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________. ( she )

2. China is a developing country. _________is in the east of Asia. ( its )

3. What day is __________ today? — __________ is Thursday. (its)

5. I own a blue bike. The red one isn’t __________. ( I )

6. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive.( them )

7. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn’t __________? ( them )

8. Ling Ling is a girl. ____ studies in a primary school. ______ brother lives with

____ and helps ____ with______ lessons. ( she )

9. Mike is my classmate. ____ is good at Engliush . ( his )

10. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to ____ ? ( she )

11. What’s the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy. ( its )


1. I ate all ____ sandwiches yesterday.( I ) Can I have one of ____ ? ( you )

2. George has lost ____ ( his ) pen. Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him ____ . ( she )

3.. Jack has a dog and so have I. ____ ( he ) dog and ____ ( I ) had a fight (打架).

4. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____ ( he )

5. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us. ( they )

6. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ . (we )


A. 从括号内选择正确的'代词填空

1. Your football clothes are on the desk.

Please put _________(they,them,their,theirs) away.

2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_________ English teacher is Mrs. Green.

We all like _________(she,her,hers).

3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_________ can’t get my kite.

Could you help _________(I,me,my,mine)?

4. Tom can’t get down from tthe tree.

Can you help _________(he,him,his)?

6. We can’t find our bikes.

Can you help _________(we,us,our,ours)?

5. These are _________(he,him,his) planes.

The white ones are _________(I,me,mine).

B. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词

1. This isn’t________knife. _________ is green. ( she )

2. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. (they )

3. _______ must look after ________ things. ( you )

4. Wei Fang,is that ________ ruler? Yes,it’s.( you )

5. They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. ( they)

6. It’s Lin Tao’s bag. Give it to __________. ( he )

7. Is this pencil-box Li Lei’s? No,___________ is very new. ( he )

8. This box is too heavy. I can’t carry _________. ( it )

Don’t worry,Let __________( I ) help __________. ( you)

9. _____ is a boy _____ name is Mike. Mike’s friends like _____ very much. ( he )

10. My sister is in _____ room. _____ is a teacher. ( she )

11. Jane is a little girl. _____ mother is a nurse. ( she )

12. We are in _____ classroom. _____ classroom is big. ( we)

13. My father and mother are teachers. _____ are busy ( them)

14. You are a pupil. Is _____ brother a pupil, too? ( you )


(1)Are these ________(you)pencils?

Yes, they are ________(our).

(2)—Whose is this pencil?

—It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much.

(4)She is________(I)classmate.

(5)Miss Li often looks after________(she)brother.

(6)—Are these ________(they)bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their). They are ________(we).


1. Mary works in a book store. _____ likes ______work very much.

2. John and I are in the same school. ______ go to school together.

3. Everybody likes that sport, do ______?

4. She is a friend of _______ . We got to know each other two years ago.

5. Her sister makes all ______ own dresses.

6. I have many friends. Some of_______are good at English.

7. May I use ______ bike? ______is broken.


1. Who’s singing over there ? — ________ is Sandy’s sister.

A. That B. It C. She D. This

2. ________ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.

A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you

3. Between you and ________, he is not a real friend.

A. me B. I C. he D. his

4. My uncle bought a new bike for ________.

A. theirs B. they C. me D. I

6. Here’s a postcard for you, Jim! — Oh, ________ is from my friend, Mary.

A. he B. it C. she D. it’s

8. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to ________.

A. he B. his C. her D. him

9. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? — Not ________.

A. I B. me C. mine D. he

10. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by ________.

A. he B. his C. him D. he’s

初一英语上册第六单元讲义 篇2

Beyond time and space

After his supper, Gork went to bed and almost immediately fell asleep. His snore shook the cave.

“Listen, everyone I said.①Here is my plan, First, we will use this laser torch to melt the bars of the cage, and ?”

Peters interrupted me, “then you will use it to kill Gork, Captain.” “We can't kill him!”I said ,②“Otherwise, we can’t open the door and ③escape from here.”

① Here is my plan.这是我的计划

这是一个倒装句,以here, there开头的句子,当主语是名词时,多用倒装形式。 eg: Here is his pencil.

eg: Here comes the bus.


eg: Here you are.

eg: Here he comes.

② Otherwise 否则,不然;另外的

eg: You should go now, otherwise you will miss the bus.

eg: Some are students, some are others.

③ escape的用法

escape作不及物动词,意为“逃跑,逃走”,常与from或out of连用,意为“逃避;从---逃走”,相当于run away, get away.

eg. He escaped from prison in October.他10月份从监狱中逃了出来。

escape作及物动词,意为“逃脱,逃避”,后常接名词或动词ing形式作宾语。 eg. You were lucky to escape the fire.他很幸运,逃离了火境。

Moments later, we were all out of the cage. I shouted ①besides Gork’s head,“ Gork, this is Nobody! ”Gork ②woke up. I aimed the torch at his eyes, and the laser beam hit the eye. The light in his eye went out. Gork roared . The③ noise brought his kangaroos to his door. They opened the door asked,“ ④What is wrong, Gork?”

①besides,but,except及except for的区别


即except后的部分不包括在整体之内。因此,常和all, everything, no one, nothing等词一起使用。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的是“同类项”。

eg.He gets up early everyday except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天早起。

except for是“除了因为?;要不是?;除去?一点外”的意思,表示“对一个人或事物,

先做一个整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法”。即一部分被肯定,另一部分被否定,这就是所谓的“排除否定式”。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的“不是同类项”。 eg. The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty.这个房间很阴冷,


besides相当于as well as,意为“除了?以外还有?”,即“除去一部分还有另外一部分

”的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内。

eg. Besides his wife,his daughter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也


关于 but 与 except

(1) 两者都可表示“除?外不再有?”,但含义上略有差别:but侧重

指意义的几乎完整性,而 except 则侧重指后面除去的部分。比较:

All are here but one. 除一个人都到了。

All are here except one. 还有一个人没到。

(2) 在现代英语中,but 的介词用法十分有限,一般说来,它只能用在下列


① no, no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere 等

② any, anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere 等

③ every, everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere 等

④ all, none 等

⑤ who, what, where 等 (from

Everyone knows it but you. 除你之外大家都知道。

I haven’t told anybody but you. 除你之外,我没告诉任何人。

No one but he [him] showed much interest in it. 除他之外没有一个人


一般说来,若没有出现上述词汇,就不宜使用介词 but, 否则可能造成错

句。但是 except 却没有以上限制。比较:

正:The window is never opened except in summer. 除夏天外,这扇窗


误:The window is never opened but in summer.

(3) but 一定不能用于句首,except 通常不用于句首:


正:Everyone is tired but (except) me.

正:Everyone but (except) me is tired.

误:But (Except) me, everyone is tired.

注:except for 可用于句首,表示 except 的意思:

正:Except for me, everyone is tired.

②wake up唤醒,叫醒;使?.醒来。如果宾语是代词,要放在wake up的中间,如果宾


eg: Please wake me up at 6 o’clock

③ sound,noise和voice这三个名词都可表示“声音”,但是,它们表示的“声音”并


1. sound作“声音”,“响声”讲时,可以指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声言。


eg. At midnight he heard a strange sound.半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。

Light travels much faster than sound.光的传播速度比声音快得多。

2. noise意为“噪音”、“喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。

eg. Don’t make any noise! 别吵闹!

The noise wakes me up.噪音吵醒了我!

The noise of traffic kept him awake.车辆的喧闹声使他睡不着。

3. voice一般指人的嗓音或说话、唱歌发出的声音。sound和noise不仅能指人的声音,



eg. The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。

They are talking in low voices.他们正小声交谈。

When the teacher came into the classroom,our monitor spoke in a loud voice,

“Stand up!”老师走进教室时,班长大声喊:“起立!”

④ What's wrong? = What's the matter with you?

= What's wrong with you? = What's the trouble with you?

Gork shouted, “Nobody attacked and damaged my eye!”

The kangaroos laughed,“ Nobody attacked you? You just had a bad dream.” At that time, we secretly climbed into the giant ①kangaroos'pockets. Later, when they went back to bed ,they carried us out.

Then we were free.

“What happened to Gork⑥? ”Asked someone.

“I don't know. Maybe he is still in his cave and looking for⑦ Nobody.”

① 名词所有格


初一英语下册第一单元练习题 篇3



1.My__________(理想的)home is the one with lots of trees and flowers in the garden.

2.There are some small shops____________(在…..对面)our school.

3.What's on the___________(架子)?There are a lot of books on them.

4.He often __________(爬)a ladder to get upstairs onto the second floor.

5.The ____________ (第九)lesson is a little easy.

6. The w______ desk is made of wood.

7. You should be f________ to your friends because they are all kind to you.

8. My English teacher lives next to my house. She is my n________

9. It’s too noisy (吵闹,喧哗). Let’s find a q________ place to talk about our plan.

10. His brother is having a shower in the b____________


1.Do you want ___________ (live) in a house in the country?

2.Everyone in our family _______ (like) to watch Lucky 52.

3.Liu Xiang is good at _________(run).

4.I tell the students _________(not talk) in class.

5.It takes him two hours ________ (finish) _______(do) his homework.

6.Do you know how many __________(month) there are in a year?

7.Simon________(call) Jack_______(tell) him about his new school at present.

8.Will she ________(share) her presents with you?


(1)Jim is ________11-year-old boy.

A .an

B. a

C .the

D. /

(2)We can find clean bowls and plates in the kitchen________.

A. sofa

B. computer

C. cupboard

D. fridge

(3) _______ is the capital of Britain.





(4)Which book is _________, this one or that one ?

A. better

B. best

C. the better

D. good

(5)Which is your favourite after you have seen so many houses?

A. the biggest one B.the bigger one C. the big one D.the biggest ones

(6)The teacher asked us to listen to her_______.

A. carefully

B. careful

C. more careful

D. careless

(7)I want to buy this pair of jeans. Can I_______?

A. try on them

B .try them on

C. try it on

D. try on it

(8)Sandy scored_______ points , and she came _____on the billboard.

A. ninety-eighth, fifth

B. ninety-eight, fifth

C. ninety-eight, five

D. ninety-eighth, five

(9)Lin Tao and I live in the same building. But he lives two floors_____me.

A. on

B. over

C. under

D. below

(10) He sits between______.

A.you and she

B.you and her

C.she and you

D.her and you

(11) We read 10 206 like this________.

A.one thousand, two hundred and six

B.one thousands, two hundred and six

C.ten thousand, two hundred and six

D.ten thousand, two hundred six

(12)They will arrive _______China _______September 2nd.

A. in, on

B. at, from

C. in, in

D. at, on

(13)_________ the students will go to the island for the picomic.

A. Two hundred of

B. Two hundred

C. Two hundreds of

D. Hundreds of

(14) I’m listening to the music_____ my sister is playing with the cat.

A. when

B. while

C. but

D. or

(15)---I am going on a trip to Xi’an next week.--- _________.

A. Have a good time

B. Thank you

C. It’s good

D. Good idea

初一英语上册第八单元教案 篇4

1.课题Where did you go on vacation?




②正确听、说、读、写句型Where did you/she/he go on vacation? I/She/He went to......







(1)教学重点:能正确听、说、读、写句型——Where did sb. go on vacation? —Sb. went to sp.



Step 1 greeting

Step 2 leading in — An investigation about students′ vacations.

Step 3 presentation — Shows some pictures to students, and ask them some questions about them.

Step 4 practice — Students make up dialogues.

Step 5 review — Analyze the rule of the sentences and read these sentences.

Step 6 homework — Write a short article to introduce your vacation.

5.板书:Where did you go on vacation?


初一英语上册第八单元教案 篇5






















初一英语上册第一单元测试题 篇6










ID card____________

his last name_____________

your question___________



Brown is___________________________.


________________his phone number?


I'm Tony.____________________________.


_________pen is black.

5.in What's English this?(连词成句)_____________________________?





()3.What'sher phone number?C.Fine,thanks.


1.This is my ID c___________

2.Hi.My f__________(家庭)name isZhang.

3.Li Ming is a boy.Hon ghong is a g__________(女孩).

4.N_________to meet you.

5.How old are you?I'm s___________(七).
