
consider表示考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…的意思,那么你知道consider的短语有哪些吗?这次帅气的小编为您整理了consider的用法归纳有哪些优秀6篇,希望大家可以喜欢并分享出去。

consider的用法:即可作介词,也可作连词和副词 篇1

1.Considering作介词,意为:in view of, taking into consideration考虑到,鉴于,就……而言

She is very active, considering her age.就她的年龄而言,她是够活跃的。

Considering the strength of the opposition, we did well to score two goals.考虑到对方实力强大,我们进了两个球就很不错了。


Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.考虑到他只是刚刚开始,他对此了解已不少了。


Mum didn’t look too bad, considering. 从各方面考虑,妈妈的气色并不是太差。

consider作动词时主要有以下四种用法: 篇2

Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.


consider的相关解释 篇3

v. (尤指为作出决定而) 仔细考虑,细想; 认为; 以为; 觉得; 体谅; 考虑到; 顾及;

[例句]The government is being asked to consider a plan to fix the date of the Easter break


[其他] 第三人称单数:considers 现在分词:considering 过去式:considered 过去分词:considered

consider的用法:作名词 篇4

consideration作名词,意为careful thought and attention斟酌,考虑

Several considerations have influenced my decision.好几个因素影响了我的决定。

1.Consideration for顾及,体贴

He has never shown much consideration for his wife’s needs.他从来不顾及他妻子的需要。

2.Under consideration在讨论/考虑中

Several projects are under consideration.好几个项目在讨论中。

There are some proposals under consideration. 有几个建议在审议中。

3.Take sth. into consideration考虑到某事,体谅

Your teachers will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams. 你的几位老师在给你的考试评分时,会考虑你最近生病这一情况的。

4.Leave sth. out of consideration 忽略/不重视某事

It was wrong to leave my feelings out of consideration.不顾及我的情感是不对的。

5.Show consideration for体谅,顾及

Jeff never shows any consideration for his mother’s feelings.杰夫从来不体谅他母亲的感受。

6.of. No / little consideration无关紧要的,不重要的

Whether he would go with us or not was of no consideration. 他是否跟我们一起去是无关紧要的。

7.In consideration of sth.作为对……的汇报,考虑到

It’s a small payment in consideration of your services.这是答谢您服务的微薄酬金。

.consider sb/sth (to be) sth/adj 认为…是 认为…如何 篇5

We consider that you are not to blame.


The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.

consider的用法 篇6


一、 consider作“考虑”解,常用于以下句型:

1、 Consider+名词/代词/动名词。

You’d better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。

I’m considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。

2、 Consider+从句或“疑问词+不定式”。

Have you considered what he suggested?你们考虑他的建议了吗?

We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。


1、 Consider sb./sth+。(as)+形容词/名词。其中,as可以省略。

We consider him honest.我们认为他很诚实。

At first they considered me as a doctor.起初他们认为我是医生。

2.consider+sb./sth.+不定式。其中,不定式通常是to be(可以省略)或其他动词的完成式。

We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。

We all consider him to have stolen the bike.我们都认为他偷了自行车。


We consider it hard to study English well.我们认为学好英语很难。

I consider it my duty to help you with your studies.我认为帮助你学习英语是我的职责。


We consider that the music is well worth listening to.我们这首音乐很值得一听。
