

英语日常交际用语 篇1

1 you look concerned. what’s on your mind 你看上去有点心思沉沉,在担心什么呢?

2 i’ve got to quiet down and get focused. 我该冷静下来,集中注意力。

3 i know he has the blues(he is feeling very down!), but it doesn’t mean he can vent his anger on me. 我知道他心情不好,但他也不能把气发在我身上呀。the blues 心情不好,if a girl is sad, an ice-cream cone can normally chase the blues away. 如果女孩心情不好的话,给她一个冰淇淋,她就会转哭为笑了。也可说,an ice-cream cone can normally help shake off the blues.

4 i’m up to my neck in work.这句话的意思就是i am quite busy. 我太忙了,这工作把我忙得晕头转向。i have got a pretty tight schedule today. 我今天的日程安排得很紧。

5 easy! 悠着点;不要性急;轻一点;也可以说:go easy. go easy on it(省着点用)。 easy-going, 很容易相处:she is caring and easy-going.

6 crush 原意为“粉碎”,现常指“暗恋”,又常指青涩少年的那种爱,并不稳定,例如,小女生对老师的爱恋,过一阵就烟消云散。peter has a crush on jenny.

7 ask somebody out 与人约会,谈恋爱:he doesn’t have the guts to ask her out because he is afraid she will turn him down. 他不敢告诉她他爱� 类似的'有go out with somebody: i heard you’re going out with jane. 我听说了你在与jane谈恋爱。

8 mr. right: 白马王子,he’s gentle, patient, successful, and mature. i think he’s my mr. right! 他温柔体贴,有耐心,成功又成熟。我知道他就是我的意中人(我未来的丈夫非他莫属;也可以说是真命天子)。(白马王子的另一个说法:prince charming)

9 jack 对朋友john说,他刚刚与esther拜拜了,(i just broke up with esther.)john 安慰jack说, i don’t know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! there’s plenty of fish in the sea and you’ll find your soul mate, your perfect match!

10 my relationship with her is already a history.我与她的关系早已成历史了。

日常交际用语口语介绍 篇2

Tom: Good morning.


Andy: Good morning.


Tom: My name is Tom.Nice to meet you.


Andy: Nice to meet you ,too. My name is Andy.


Tom: Are you here on business or for pleasure?


Andy: Oh. I'm here on business.And you?


Tom: For pleasure.Where are you from?


Andy: I come from New York. What about you?


Tom: I'm from China.


Andy: Your English is very good.


日常交际用语口语介绍 篇3

Jack: Hi, Tom!


Tom: Hi,Jack! How are you doing?


Jack: Fine. Thank you.


Tom: Who's she?


Jack: Oh!I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Tom, this is Ann. Ann,this is Tom,my best friend.


Ann: Nice to meet you,Tom.


Tom: Nice to meet you ,too.Don't I know you from somewhere?


Ann: Oh!It's you. You knocked me down and run away that day.


Tom: I am so sorry, I hurried to catch the train.


Ann: I accept your apology,but this time is your treat.


Tom: No problem.


英语日常交际用语 篇4

1、 What does your father do? 你父亲做什么工作?

2、 He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是个医生,他自己开业。

3、 Do you have any plan for your career? 你对未来有什么计划吗?

4、 I want to be a pilot of possible. 如果可能的话,我想做个飞行员。

5、 I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary.我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。

6、 I have an interview next week. 我下周要参加考试。

7、 Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。

8、 I like writing, but I wouldn't take it as my career. 我喜欢协作但不愿

9、 I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。

10、 He's a very efficient young man though a little proud.他是个很有能力的人,但是有点骄傲。

11、 He made a successful career in business. 他的商务生涯十分成功。

12、 My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major. 我表兄刚被提升为上校。

13、 He is a manager of a famous corporation. 他是一家著名公司的经理。

14、 The statesman retired as the mayor of New York. 那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。

15、 He was appointed president of the committee recently.他最近被任命为那个革命会的总裁。

日常交际用语口语介绍 篇5

1、I’d like to congratulate you.我想向你表示祝贺。

2、Please feel free to let me know if there should be any question.如果有任何问题,请尽管告知。

3、Let's give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌。

4、You have my word.我向你保证。

5、Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下。

6、What’s this? 这是什么?

7、What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

8、What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?

9、Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

10、I have no idea about it. 我一点都不知道。

日常交际用语口语介绍 篇6

Jane: Ann, look at Lily, she is not in harmony.


Ann: Yeah, she’s not herself.


Jane: What is wrong with her?


Ann: Maybe because of the exam, she didn’t pass.


Jane: She must be sad.


Ann: If I were her, I would be. You know this exam is very important,it is related to our studies.


Jane: What can we do for her?


Ann: Maybe we can go to visit the guidance director, hope he can give her another chance to make up the examination.


Jane: OK,let’s go right now.


英语日常交际用语 篇7

Ill walk you to the door. 我送你到门口。

Im broke. 我身无分文。

Im crazy bout English. 我非常喜欢英语。

Im easy to please. 我很随和。

Im glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。

Im glad you enjoyed it. 你喜欢我就高兴。

Im good at it. 我做这个很在行。

Im in a good mood. 我现在心情很好。

Im in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。

Im just having a look. 我只是随便看看。

Im looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。

Im looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。

Im lost. 我给搞糊涂了。

Im not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。

Im not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。

Im not really sure. 我不太清楚。

Im on a diet. 我正在节食。

Im on my way. 我这就上路。

Im pressed for time. 我赶时间。

Im sorry Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。

Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到遗憾。

Im under a lot of pressure. 我的压力很大。

Im working on it. 我正在努力。

Ive changed my mind. 我已经改变主意。

Ive got a headache. 我头痛。

Ive got my hands full. 我手头正忙。

Ive got news for you. 我要告诉你一个好消息。

Ive got no idea. 我不知道。

Ive had enough. 我已经吃饱了。

If I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。

Is that OK? 这样可以吗?

Is this seat taken? 这为子有人坐吗?

It all depends. 视情形而定。

It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。

It doesnt make any difference. 都一样。

1、问候 Greetings

(1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好



--How are you?你好吗

--Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你

(2)Best wishes(regards) to sb.问候汤姆好

Please give my regards(best wishes,love) to Tom.请代我向汤姆致以问候

Please remember me to Tom.请代我向汤姆问候

Say hello to Tom.向汤姆问好

(3)Glad(Pleased) to meet you here(again)。很高兴在这里(或:又)见到你

2、介绍 Introductions

(1)This is Mr(Mrs,Miss,Ms) Green.这位是格林先生(或:夫人、小姐、女士)

This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志

May I introduce you to my friends?我来把您介绍给我的好朋友好吗?

Id like you to meet Mr Green.我想请您见见格林先生

(2)--How do you do?(初次见面时用)您好

--How do you do?您好

Nice(Glad,Pleased) to meet(see) you.见到您我很高兴

Nice meeting you,Mr Green.(多用于分手时)格林先生,我真高兴能认识您

(3)My name is Li Ning.我名叫李宁

Im a teacher.我是老师

Im Chinese.我是中国人

Excuse me,whats your (full) name,please?请问你贵姓(您尊姓大名)

(4)I have often heard about you.我常常听人谈起你

I have often wanted to meet you.我一直想认识你

Excuse my introducting myself.恕我冒昧地自我介绍一下

Do you know my father?你认识我父亲吗?

I dont think you have met my father.我想你还没有见过我父亲吧

Allow(let) me introduce Mr Green to you.请允许(或让)我给你介绍一下格林先生

3、告别 Farewells

(1)Im afraid I must be leaving(must be off,have to go) now.恐怕我得走了

I think its time for us to leave now.我想我们该走了

Its time I met Tom(did my homework)。 I have to go now.(注意从句要用虚拟语气)我该去见汤姆(或:去做作业了)。现在我得走了


See you later(tomorrow)。回头见(或:明天见)

See you.回见

Good night.晚安。再见

4、感谢和应答 Thanks and responses

(1)Thank you (very much)。(非常)感谢

Thanks a lot.多谢

Many thanks.多谢

Thanks(Thank you) for listenting.谢谢(收听)

Its very kind of you (to help me)。您真是太好了(帮了我的忙)

(2)Not at all.不用谢。不客气

Its(Thats) all right.没关系

You are wellcome.不用谢

(3)Its most thoughtful of you.你真是想得太周到了

I dont know how I can thank you enough.我不知怎样谢你才好

I dont knoe what I should have done without your help.没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办

Thank you all the same.仍然要谢谢你

5、祝愿、祝贺和应答 Good wishes,congratulations and responese

(1)Good luck!祝你好运

I wish you good luck(success)!祝你好运(或:成功)

Good journey (to you)!旅途愉快

Have a good trip.旅途愉快

Have a nice(good) time.祝你玩得高兴

Id like to congratulate you on your success.祝贺你的成功

(2)Thank you.谢谢

The same to you.也祝贺你
