高考英语词汇: however用法详解最新8篇


however的用法 1

1. 用作副词,注意以下用法:

(1) 表示让步,意为“无论如何”“不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词,其词序为:however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语。这样用的however其实具有连词的功能,用以引导一个让步状语从句。如:

However much he eats, he never gets fat. 不管他吃多少,他永远吃不胖。

However cold it is, he always goes swimming. 不管天有多冷,他都去游泳。

However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight. 不管有多远,我今晚也要开车到那儿去。

这样用的 however 与 no matter how 大致同义。如:

No matter how much he eats, he never gets fat.

No matter how cold it is, he always goes swimming.

No matter how far it is, I intend to drive there tonight.


Don’t laugh, however funny it may be. 无论多么有趣也不要笑。

I’ll try to finish it in time, however hard it may be. 无论多么难,我也要按时完成。


I refuse, however favourable the conditions. 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。(conditions后省去了are)

I’d rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,而不愿意与别人合住一个房间。

A grammar rule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood. 一条语法规则,不管如何正确,除非能懂,否则毫无用处。

(2) 表示转折,尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时,表示转折,其意为“可是”“仍然”等。可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。如:

My father, however, did not agree. 但是,我父亲不同意。

My room is small; however, it’s comfortable. 我的房间很小,但却很舒服。

He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however. 他说情况如此,可是他错了。

注意,however不能像 but(但是)那样直接连接两个句子(注意正句中的标点符号)。如:


误:We all tried our best, however we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best, but we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best; however, we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best. However, we lost the game.

(3) 表示惊奇或强调,相当于how ever的用法,其意为“究竟怎样,到底以什么方式”。如:

However did you get here without a car? 没有汽车你究竟是怎样来的呢?

However does he manage to write music when he is so deaf? 他聋成这个样子,究竟是怎样从事作曲的呢?

2. 用作连词,引导方式状语从句,表示“无论以何种方式”“不管怎样”。如:

However it may be, I shall take your word. 无论如何,我将会相信你的话。

The painting looks wrong however you look at it. 这张画不论怎么看都显得不对劲。

However you travel, it’ll take you at least two days. 无论你怎么个走法,至少要两天时间。

让步状语从句中even if 和even though的区别 2

even if 和 even though都可以用于状语从句,两者意思相近,所以经常被替换使用,确实利用近义词可以增加句子的词汇丰富度,但是在英语里往往不存在意思完全一样的词,这两个词也有些许微妙的差别,如果用得不合适了,便会给人生硬的感觉,所以这次小编就来跟大家一起学习一下这两者的异同·。

1、 even if引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”,有时还可以用于虚拟语气,意思与if接近。

eg. They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed.

Even if it rains tomorrow, we won’t change our plan.

Even if he had the chance, he wouldn’t catch it. (虚拟语气,就算有机会也不会抓住)

2、 even though引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”,与 though,although意思接近。

eg. He went out even though it was raining.

He is the best student even though he has the least time to study.

Even though (thought, although)I feet sorry for father, l am secretly pleased that he has the time to play with me.

3、 在口语中,even if与even though有时也可不加区别地混用。

eg. Even if (even though) he hurted her, she still loves him.

We are good friends, even if (even though) we keep some secrets to each other.

however的例句 3

1. The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.


2. The deal with Chelsea may not, however, be dead.


3. What is missing, however, is an internal, artistic cohesion.


4. However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.


5. When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying.


6. His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks.


并列连词but的用法归纳 4

but 一词既可作连词、介词、副词用,又有一些习惯搭配和固定用法,这里对but做连词用法做一归纳。


Our school is small but beautiful.我们学校虽然小但很漂亮。(连接两个形容词,意思相对)

The car is very old but it runs very fast.虽然小汽车旧了,但跑得很快。

She is young but very experienced. 她虽然年轻但经验丰富。

It was a sunny but not very warm day. 那一天天气晴朗,却不太暖和。

He drives not carefully but slowly. 他开车不是很小心,而是开得很慢。



误:Although they are twins, but they look entirely different.

正:They are twins, but they look entirely different.

正:Although they are twins, they look entirely different.


What I want is not this one, but that one. 我想要的不是这个,而是那个。

Bamboo is not a tree, but a kind of grass. 竹不是一种树,而是一种草。

Travel to the moon is not a dream but an actual happening. 登月旅行已不是梦想而是现实事情了。

3、 用于 excuse me, I'm sorry表示歉意的话语之后,表示谢绝或不赞成。例如:

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. 对不起,我不同意你的意见

Sorry, but we're behind schedule. 抱歉,我们落在计划后了。

I'm frightfully sorry, but I can't see you today. 太对不起了,我今天不能见你。

Excuse me, but I don't think that's quite true. 很抱歉,我认为这与事实略有出入。


I never go past that house but I think of my miserable life in the old society. 我走过那所房子时,没有一次不想起我在旧社会所过的悲惨生活。

This isn't a good one but it will answer. 这不太好,但可以将就用。

He looks honest, but actually he's a rogue. 他看起来很老实,实际他是一个坏蛋。

She has had no answer to him but he gave no answer. 我向他说了早上好,但他没有回应。

The ice remained, but there was no water underneath. 冰还在,但下面却没有水。

Mrs. Brown was about to begin, but Jennie spoke first. 布朗夫人正要开始讲话,珍妮先讲了。

At first he was a little shy, but now he acts more natural. 开始时他有些腼腆但现在他表现得很自然了。

There was a little trouble at first, but things were soon quiet. 起初有点小麻烦后来情况就平静了。

It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆。


“I'm getting married.” “But that's wonderful!” “我快要结婚了。”“啊,那太好了!”

6、并列连词but用于否定词语(尤其是never,有时也可能是not, no, hardly等)后,表示without the result that.。.或without it also being the case that.。.,其意为“而不产生…的结果;而不同时也…”,结合其前的否定词通常译为“一…就”“每…都会”“一…总会”“没有…而不”。如:

It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆(指事情不发生则已,一旦发生则接踵而至,有时译为“祸不单行”)。

I never see her but I want to kiss her. 我每次见到她都想吻她。

You cannot look into the index but you will find the word. 你一查索引,就可以找到那个词。

however的用法 5



其词序为:however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语。这样用的 however 其实具有连词的功能,用以引导让步状语从句。如:However much he eats,he never gets fat.不管他吃多少,他永远吃不胖。

用于此用法时,请注意:这样用的 however 与 no matter how 大致同义,如:however [No matter how] hard I worked,she was never satisfied.无论我多么努力地工作,她从来没满意过。

2、表示转折:尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时,表示转折,其意为“可是”“仍然”等。可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。如:My father,however,did not agree.但是,我父亲不同意。

3、表示惊奇或强调:相当于how ever的用法,其意为“究竟怎样,到底以什么方式”。如:

However did you get here without a car?没有汽车你究竟是怎样来的呢?

表示转折关系的连词 6

表示转折关系的连词:主要有but, only, while, when, whereas等。

如A great deal has been accomplished, but more remains to be done.

He is riding, while his father is walking in the dust.

Why did you borrow the book when you had one?

He is ill, whereas I am only a little tired.

only表示意义转折,只见于非正式文体。如You may go, only come back early.(only = but)

温馨提示:1 有些词或短语在句中也表示转折意义,如still, yet, however, all the same, after all等。通常作连接性状语。

如The problem was a little hard, yet I was able to work it out

I explained twice, still he couldn't understand.

2 while在表示转折关系时,往往连接内容和结构对称的句子。

如I love strong tea while my father loves coffee.

3 both … and … not结构和neither … nor …的区别在于前者表示部分否定,而后者表示全部否定。如Both you and I are not correct. Neither you nor I am right.


however的相关解释 7

adv. 不管到什么程度;无论如何;然而;可是

conj. 不管怎样;

but与however的用法区别 8


1、 表示转折时,but 是连词。如:

He is young but very experienced. 他虽年轻,但经验很丰富。

He has three daughters but no sons. 他有3 个女儿,但没有儿子。

He likes sports, but his wife likes music. 他喜欢运动,而他妻子则喜欢音乐。

2、 however 表示“然而”、“可是”时,有的词 之所以将其视为副词,也许是因为像许多副词一样不仅能位于句首,而且能位于句中(注意前后使用逗号),甚至句末 (注意其前也用逗号)。如:

Later, however, he changed his mind. 可是他后来改变了主意。

He hasn’t arrived. He may, however, come later. 他还没有到,不过他等会儿可能会来。

He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however. 他说情况如此,可是他错了。

注:以上各例中的 however 不能换成 but,但可用 but 来改写。如:

He said that it was so, but he was mistaken. 他说情况如此,可他错了。

3、 当连接两个句子时,其前通常应用分号,或另起新句。如:

It’s raining hard; however, I think we should go out. / It’s raining hard. However, I think we should go out. 雨下得很大,但我想我们还得出去。

注:上例中的 however 不能换成 but,但可用 but 来改写 (注意所用标点的变化)。如:

It’s raining hard, but I think we should go out.
