

BEC高级口试真题 篇1

Part 1:

Where are you from?

Tell me more about your study and which part you find is most interesting?

What effect does internet have on Chinese work life?


Sale: The important of knowing customer need and preference


Research and development: The important of ensuring staff meet deadline.

Part 3:



Advantages of outsourcing.

How can outsourcing be monitored









BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇2


1. Media

○1 The types of media: TV and radio commercial, newspapers and magazine, poster and bill board, direct mail, the Internet, etc

○2 Advantages and disadvantages of the major types

TV: high attention, combination of sight, sound and motion; high cost and less audience selectivity.

Newspaper: flexibility, good local market coverage, broad acceptance; short life, poor reproduction quality.

Magazine: high geographic and demographic selectivity, credibility, long life, good pass-along readership; having rivals in the same magazine.

Direct mail: audience selectivity, flexibility, no ad competition within the same medium; relatively high cost, junk mail image.

Internet: high reach of international audience, similar effect as TV commercial, interactive; the users of Internet are limited, compared with TV.

○3 Consider your target audience and your budget to make a wise decision.

2. Agency

○1 Select a suitable agency

A. Consider the reputation and past performances of the agency. Agencies provide the client with the services of highly skilled individuals who are specialists in their chosen field.

B. Same compensation philosophies. Different compensation systems may result in disagreement.

C. Stability in agency’s policies. Mergers and acquisitions may lead to policy changes. This will have negative effect on the performance of the agency.

○2 Ensure that agencies maintain a high level of effectiveness.

A. Regular reviews: financial and qualitative assessments.

B. Financial audit: It is designed to verify costs and expenses, salaries for the employees, and payments to the media and outside suppliers.

C. Give detailed instructions or certain trainings to the agencies about how to represent a company.

D. Make full disclosure of any potential and existing conflict of interest. One agency cannot run two accounts which are indirect competition with each other. In some cases, even indirect competition will not be tolerated.

3. Trade fair and exhibition

○1 Types of exhibition. What are exhibited? Whether it is related to your field? Whether you can find potential customers, suppliers, or partners?

○2 Scale of exhibition. How many participants are listed? Whether it is local or national or international?

○3 Publicity of exhibition. How far is the organizer willing to increase public awareness? Whether they are able to attract public attention and the leading companies of the field?

○4 Cost of admission. Some of the exhibitions are relatively high, because they wish to attract only the professionals of their own field. Some are admission free, because their target market is the entire population.

○5 Other points: Location, transportation, accommodation and time.

Ex: The importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions.

○1 The exhibition is a stage for a company to exhibit its product, capacity and credibility.

○2 The members need to know every aspect of the product and the company, and what the company wants in the exhibition.

○3 They should have eloquence to promote the product and the flexibility to adapt to the changes.

○4 Because they represent the image of the company, they should also have a good physical appearance.

BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇3

I. Recruitment

Ex: How to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected.

How to organise an effective recruitment drive.

○1 Hiring a new employee is an investment. Getting a niche person for a niche role will add value to an organization. Organization can never be sure that they have selected the right person until he or she starts working, but an efficient recruitment and selection process can reduce the risk.

○2 Produce an accurate job description, a list of skills, experience, attitudes and so on.

○3 Choose the best recruitment method: internal recruitment, job advertisements, recruitment agencies and headhunting/executive search.

○4 A shortlist of candidates will then be draw up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes, usually interviews. This will produce the ideal candidate.

○5 Negotiate terms with this candidate. It should be both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the ideal candidate.

II. Motivation

Ex: How to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce.

The importance to a company of having well motivated staffs.

○1 Well motivated staffs can add value to the company. They are enthusiastic, creative and loyal. They increase the productivity and quality.

○2 Spiritual motivation.

A. Give employees guidance when they are just recruited.

B. Demonstrate a commitment to career development and promotion from within.

C. Forster a sense of team spirit.

D. Publicly recognize and congratulate employees for good work.

○3 Material motivation.

A. Set incentive schemes: profit sharing, bonus scheme.

B. Fringe benefits: company car, contribution to pension/health scheme, relation allowance.

C. Establish the incentive-based compensation system.

BEC高级口试真题 篇4

Part 1

1.Talk something about your job or study and your future plan.

2.Talk something about your work or study place.

3.What brand name means to Chinese?

4.Do you think the working life has changed in China?

5.What do you like most about your major and what’s your ideal employer?

6.what qualification do you think is the most important when work in China?




10.中国的tourist industry以后发展如何


1.The importance of having an internal magazine in the communication of different departments

2.Project management: factors involved in running a project effectively

3.The importance of having both permanent employees and temporary employees in a company

4.The factors involved in a training program

5.How to leave a good impression when interview?

6.How to ensure that a new product can meet the customers need?

7.How to make sure the potential customer is indentified accurately?

8.The importance to diversify strategies to manage staff.

9.How to make a sales campaign


1.Your company needs to send employees to a foreign country for negotiation. What information should be collected before you go for negotiation? What information you need to know about that country?

2. How to build a new sales team

(1) What support should you offer?

(2) How to measure the performance?

(3) Would you like to manage a sales team and why

(4) Do you think it is important to have a feedback system when managing a sales team

3. Your company which runs fast food restaurant has achieved record revenue and is considering to expand.

(1) In what way can it expand effectively?

(2) What benefit can the company get from outside expertise?

(3) What will happen if a company grows too fast?

(4) What should be considered when a company wants to expand in another country?

4. The supermarket chain you worked for plan to launch a training program to some of your employees. Your manager asks you to make some suggestions to this plan.

(1) How to select employee to attend the training program?

(2) What training program should be introduced?

5.公司new location,然后要讨论决定move to new location前要考虑什么因素,还有对员工有什么影响。老师问我的后续问题:对于员工来说,公司的building什么因素最重要。

6.staff 不是很motivated,原因和对公司的影响。一个问题是觉得什么因素最能激发motive,还有一个是如何平衡工作和生活。


BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇5

Market Research

The definition of market research: study carried out by a company before launching a new product, into the needs, lifestyle, income, etc of potential buyers and to measure the success of similar products that are already available. It may involve interviewing people in the street or giving away sample product.

○1 Market research can be done for both a product and a company. As for a product, it is the first step when promoting a new product. It can find out whether the market accept the product or not. As for the company, market research can find out the customers’ opinion about the after-sales services and corporate image.

○2 There are generally four ways of doing market research, observation, survey, questionnaire and telephone interview.

○3 There are four procedures while doing market research. First, represent suitable questions. Second, record the customers’ feedbacks. Third, gather these statistics. Forth, analyse them and draw a conclusion.

VI. Sales

Ex: How to sell a product effectively in international markets.

○1 Advertising. Choose a media to advertise your products in a foreign country, TV commercials, magazines, bill board, or etc. Make sure it suits the local tastes. Maybe you can try to sell on the net; it will receive the world-wide attention.

○2 Do market research. Find out whether the products are accepted by foreign customers. It can be carried out as surveys, observations, and questionnaires.

○3 Adjust your product to the local tastes. Although the case of your products are the same, you can change some details. Take IKEA, the largest furniture retailer, for example, is doing well in suiting the local taste.

○4 What I want to put emphasis on is franchising. Franchising is a good way to sell your prosuct in a foreign country. As local businessmen understand their own culture best.

bec高级高频口语词汇 篇6

_acklog n. 积压(工作或订货)

bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)

balance n. 收支差额,余额

balance of payments n. 贸易支付差额

balance sheet n. 资产负债表

bankrupt adj.破产的

bankruptcy n.破产

bank statement n. 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单

bar chart n. 条形图,柱状图

bargain v. 谈判,讲价

base n. 基地,根据地

batch n. 一批,一组,一群

batch production批量生产

bear market n.熊市beat v. 超过,胜过

behave v. 表现,运转

behaviour n. 举止,行为,运转情况

below-the-line advertising 线下广告,尚未被付款的广告

benchmark 衡量标准benefit n. 利益,补助金,保险金得益

BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇7

1. Travel: the importance of being able to speak foreign languages in international business

2. Marketing: how to assess whether there is a market for a new product

You should carry out a research on the customer demands to see if there is a read need in the market for your new product. The feedback or result will help you to decide whether to launch the new product on the market.

You should pay special attention to your competitors. Detect whether they are going to launch their new product onto the market. if the answer if yes that probably means there is a demand in the market for some new product. Then be quick and put on your rival product to coincide with them.

3. Human resources: how to use staff appraisal schemes

You should see to it that the staff appraisal schemes be a chance for management and employees to come together and exchange ideas, set joint targets and improve the way decisions are reached.

The scheme should have a clear appeal process and any negative feedback should be accompanied by evidence such as dates, times and outcomes. Most importantly ratings should reflect measurable element of the job requirements.

4. Advertising: the importance of television and cinema advertisement

In fact television and cinema advertising both function as a kind of media which tells or even guides people to buy products or services. With the development of the telecommunication television has become the most important carrier of advertisement and as a result of that TV advertising has the largest amount of audience all over the world. They have penetrated into people’s daily life and persuaded them to buy whenever they turn on them. On the other hand the popularity of the movie make every audience be under the influence of cinema advertising at the beginning and end of the movie.

bec高级高频口语词汇 篇8

fringe benefits


Sickness benefit


bid n. 出价,投标takeover bid n. 盘进(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据

billboard n. (路边)广告牌,招贴板

black adj.违法的

in the black 有盈余,贷方

black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

black Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子

blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股

blue-collar adj.蓝领(工人)的

Board of Directors n.董事会

Bond n.债券

Bonus n. 津贴,红利books公司帐目

book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值

bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人
