

英语听力短文训练材料 篇1


Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published recently.


The current approach which focuses on younger people and on kills for employment is not adequate to meet the challenges of demographic change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is currently spent on the oldest third of the population.


The challenges include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in retirement, that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and that 11.3 million people are over state pension age.


"Learning needs to continue throughout life. Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources on young people cannot meet the new needs," says the report's author, Professor Stephen Mcomair.


The major portion of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. When people are changing their jobs, homes, partners and lifestyles more than ever, they nees opportunities to learn at every age. For example, some people are starting new careers in their 50s and later.


People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for transition to retirement, which may now happen unpredictably at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.


And there should be more money available to support people in establishing a sense of identity and finding constructive roles for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life.


英语听力材料 篇2

Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It might be walking, cycling, or swimming , or in winter , skating or skiing 。 It might be a game of some kind —football, hockey, golf or tennis., or it might be mountaineering 。 Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship , and to take risks on high mountains ? This astonishment it probably caused by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure. If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team sport”。 We should be mistaken in this 。 There are , it is true , no “matcher” between “ teams” of climbers , however, when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend , there is obviously teamwork 。

英语听力短文训练材料 篇3


Legendary Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor has died at the age of 79. A statement from Taylor's family says she died peacefully, with her children at her side. The veteran actress, known for movies such as "National Velvet," which made her a star at the age of 12, and "Cleopatra," had been suffering from congestive heart failure. She had been hospitalized in Los Angeles for the past six weeks.


Taylor won Academy Awards for her role in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Butterfield 8." In later years, she was a spokeswoman for humanitarian causes, notably AIDS research. That work gained her a special Oscar in 1993.


Taylor was sometimes called the most beautiful woman in the world. In addition to her work in film, the Oscar-winning actress was also well known for her off-screen drama, including being married eight times, twice to actor Richard Burton.


Born in London to American parents, she moved to Los Angeles before World War II, and went from child star to Hollywood starlet to movie icon. But she gained attention for more than just her beauty and acting talent. Her srormy personal life and numerous marriages, as well as her friendship with pop icon Michael Jackson, made her a constant source of stories for the press.


She had a passion for jewels and jewelry and introduced her own perfumes, including one called White Diamonds. In later years, she was widely recognized for her charitable work. France awarded her the prestigious Legion of Honor in 1987 and Britain's Queen Elizabeth made her a dame, the female equivalent of a knight, in 2000.


英语听力材料 篇4

方法1. 不要选择专业术语、专有名词较多的材料。


方法2. 注意语段材料的时效性,时效性越强越值得练习。

不宜听写已经过时的英语语汇内容。如一些出自名家之手的英语美文,文采固然是好,但可能是百多年前创作的作品,其中一些用词,可能现代英语中已经不用了, 或者用词比较艰深晦涩,这种材料就只适合单纯欣赏,和同学平时的英语使用情况相去甚远,对大家所面临的考试更是没有针对性,不适合用来练习听写。

方法3. 基础不佳者不宜用影视剧对白练习听写。

这类材料可能含有过多口头语或俗语,且语速非常之快,对于英语程度不扎实,听写能力有待提高的同学来说很难听懂,更别提听写了。对于面向四六级的大部分同 学而言,影视剧作品是可以作为听力和口语的练习素材的,但前提是,不要直接听写,应先结合中文字幕把大意听懂,然后作为泛听材料,单纯地通过听练习一下语 感,使自己在听觉上习惯地道的英语语音语调,并起到口语纠音的作用,同时听加深记忆,学习一些剧中的口语表达。

方法4. 刚开始练习时,材料篇幅不宜过长。


英语听力短文训练材料 篇5


Forty-two of the fifty American states offered some kind of public online learning this past school year. One state, Michigan, now requires all students to have an online learning experience before they finish high school.


Even the idea of a school has changed since the rise of the Internet in the nineteen nineties.


A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University says eighteen states have full-time virtual schools. There are no buildings. All classes are online.


Online learners might work at different times. But there might be set times for class discussions — by text, voice or video — and virtual office hours for teachers.


Flofida started the first statewide public virtual school in the United States in nineteen ninety-seven.


Today, the Florida Virtual School offers more than ninety courses. Fifty-six thousand students were enrolled as of December. Almost sixty percent were female. The school's Web site says each student was enrolled in an average of two classes.


Two-thirds were also enrolled in public or charter schools. Charter schools are privately operated with public money. Other students are home-schooled or in private school.


Florida Virtual School has now opened the Florida Virtual Global School. Students in other countries pay for classes. Janet Heiking teaches an English class. She lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her students live as far away as Africa and Japan.


So how good are virtual schools? Students have shown mixed results, as that new report from Indiana University notes.


For example, students at Florida Virtual School earned higher grades than those taking the same courses the traditional way. And they scored higher on a statewide test.


But virtual school students in Kansas and Colorado had lower test scores or performed at a lower level than traditional learners.


Educaiton experts say the mixed results suggest the need for more research to find the best ways to teach in virtual schools. Also, they say schools of education need to train more teachers to work in both physical and virtual classrooms.


男子因故意喂熊多次被罚款,单次1000美元 篇6

DURANGO, Colo. — A Colorado man has been fined $1,000 for intentionally feeding bears for the third time in the past eight years.


The Durango Herald reports a resident reported to Colorado Parks and Wildlife that they had seen a man leaving out food in his backyard for bears.


Wildlife Manager Matt Thorpe says the resident took pictures and provided them to officials.


An investigation found that the man had previously been fined for the same behavior in 2010 and 2012.


In Colorado, it’s illegal to knowingly feed bears.


The first offense carries a $100 fine. The second violation gives a $500 fine.


Thorpe said Colorado Parks and Wildlife contacted the man on Sunday, who paid the fine on the spot.


He can be fined another $1,000 if he breaks the law again.


英语听力材料 篇7

This term several useful and interesting courses have been offered. An introduction to European culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature and arts. From time to time, we see slight shows of famous paintings, and hear tapes of famous pieces of music, these make the lecture all the more interesting.

American society and culture is another course that attracts a large audience. The teacher who visited the united state not long ago, discusses new train and changes in American life, as well as American history and traditions. We like these and other courses very much, because they help us not only to improve our English, but also to broaden our vision.

英语听力短文训练材料 篇8


In Shakespeare’s day, wishing a pox on someone was a terrible curse. Ten percent of the population in 17th century London died gruesomely of smallpox, a virus spread easily by airborne particles or contaminated clothing. Infection began with fever, aches, sneezing, and nausea. Soon a rash of red dots appeared, often covering the skin with dripping scabs. Though some reco www. vered, people could become blind, deaf, or severely scarred from smallpox.

在莎士比亚时代,诅咒某人得天花是非常恶毒的。在17世纪的伦敦,有百分之十的人死于天花这种恐怖的疾病,这是一种可以通过空气和被污染的衣服传播的病 毒。患者被感染后的前驱症状是发烧、疼痛、打喷嚏和恶心。随后很快出现红色斑丘疹,而后通常会发展成皮肤上的滴痂。尽管有些人病愈了,但是他们会因此失去 听觉、双目失明或者留下很深的疤痕。

None of the physicians’ attempts to treat smallpox with sheep manure or a golden needle helped at all. But European peasants and traditional healers in Africa and Asia had discovered that exposure to a very small dose of the virus offered some protection.


Traditional healers inoculated scratches in the skin with a small amount of pus infected with smallpox. About one in 200 people died from this procedure, but most became mildly sick, recovering in a few days. In the process, they gained immunity to the disease.


Because smallpox inoculation exposed people to such a tiny dose of the virus, it caused far fewer deaths than the natural spread of the disease. Still, London physicians were skeptical of anything peasants or traditional healers did. Not until fashionable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu returned from Turkey did it catch on with the upper classes.


Having observed Turkish healers, Lady Mary had her son inoculated in London and published a pamphlet explaining the procedure. Soon, even physicians saw that inoculation gave people a better chance of contracting a mild case of smallpox, preventing many deaths.


英语听力材料 篇9






基础不佳者不宜用影视剧对白练习听写。 这类材料可能含有过多口头语或俗语,且语速非常之快,对于英语程度不扎实,听写能力有待提高的同学来说很难听懂,更别提听写了。对于面向四六级的大部分同学而言,影视剧作品是可以作为听力和口语的练习素材的,但前提是,不要直接听写,应先结合中文字幕把大意听懂,然后作为泛听材料,单纯地通过听练习一下语感,使自己在听觉上习惯地道的英语语音语调,并起到口语纠音的作用,同时听加深记忆,学习一些剧中的口语表达。


刚开始练习时,材料篇幅不宜过长。 篇幅过长容易导致过度疲劳,会使练习者丧失兴趣。可先从简单、短小的材料练起,循序渐进,不断体会自己的进步和成就感,这样比较合适。随着练习的深化,可慢慢地逐步接触长篇材料。


