

申请信英语 篇1

1. 好词集锦: considerable,confident,suitable,extremely,pleased,grateful,especialy,。 . work hard and Ican get along /on well with am good at English and 。

我想要知道美国高校的入学申请书格式 全美应该都一样的 我想要进的是。

如何写入学生会申请书,学习部。 帮帮忙``我很急 回答的好加分

申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。申请信一般包括:申请原因、具备条件、恳请申请单。

我想要知道美国高校的入学申请书格式 全美应该都一样的 我想要进的是。

如何写入学生会申请书,学习部。 帮帮忙``我很急 回答的好加分

申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。申请信一般包括:申请原因、具备条件、恳请申请单。

我想要知道美国高校的入学申请书格式 全美应该都一样的 我想要进的是。

如何写入学生会申请书,学习部。 帮帮忙``我很急 回答的好加分

申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。申请信一般包括:申请原因、具备条件、恳请申请单。

我想要知道美国高校的入学申请书格式 全美应该都一样的 我想要进的是。

如何写入学生会申请书,学习部。 帮帮忙``我很急 回答的好加分

申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。申请信一般包括:申请原因、具备条件、恳请申请单。

申请信200字英文 篇2







申请信600字英文 篇3


我是外联部的xxx,能后进入学生会,我本应该尽自己所能为学生会为广大学生献一份薄力,然而确实有种种缘 由使我心有余而力不足,所以我申请退出信息工程团总支学生会,深切期望您们的批准。 在学生会工作了一年多了,当初经过笔试面试,答辩,我终于如愿的进入了学生会,这一年多工作的同时,我也得到了成长,亲身的实践,前辈的经验,外联的工 作,学生会的活动都是我受益匪浅,感触颇多……


时间过的很快,如今我萌生了退出学生会的打算,至于原因有很多,其中我对工作失去热情和责任感是主要原因,作为副部长,我需要积极做事起到表率作用,但如今 的我已经无法做大这些,如果还呆在这个位置上,那么可能会影响大一成员的工作热情,而且如今的我更想花更多的时间在学习上,大二的课程比大一的课程不仅多 而且更难,所以需要我花更多的时间去学习,大学四年我需要把更多的经历放在学习上才能学到更多的只是,而大一和大二上学年在学生会的工作是我深刻的体会到 鱼和熊掌不能兼得,所以我选择在这个时候退出学生会,也希望老师的理解,我们外联还有许多工作能力强的干事,他们还在为我们共同的责任和光荣而努力奋斗!



申请信英语范文八十词 篇4

Today, I am very happy to have the opportunity to run for the president of the student union. I am a possible version of the student union in my class. I am a senior in my class.

Since I came to this school, I have been the monitor, which is a very good job for my classmates. On the contrary, my classmates and teachers have given me high praise. I am good at communication and organization, always ready to help others.

In addition, I have many hobbies, such as basketball, football, table tennis. In addition, I also love to learn. I believe I can be competent.

If I become the president, I will try my best to make the students' Union more attractive by organizing different activities. I will try my best to meet your needs. I sincerely hope that you can give me a chance.

I believe I will become a good chairman. Thank you.




申请信2300字英文 篇5

Dear Mr. Cao


This new year, I have read a lot of books about the new year, and the book that impresses me most is Spring Festival.

The author of Spring Festival is an Chengna. A long time ago, there was a monster named _Nian_. It had two sharp horns and covered with plum red scales. Bigger than an elephant, fiercer than a tiger. It looks terrible. Every new year's Eve, _Nian_ will come to the village to eat people. One year _Nian_ came again, and a young man said, _it's better to fight with it than to let it eat!_ The young people nearby picked up the weapons on the ground and attacked Nian one after another. Unfortunately, they were not the opponents of Nian, so they were all eaten by Nian.

Since then, _Nian_ has become more fierce, so every new year's Eve people will hide in caves. Another year, new year's Eve arrived, just as people were packing up, there was an old man begging. The old man asked people for food, but people were very busy and had no time to pay attention to him. Suddenly, an old woman gave him some food and advised him to go up the mountain to hide. But he did not hurry to eat the food his wife gave him. The old woman advised him to run for his life, but he said, _I have a way to get rid of Nian. She thought he was talking crazy, so I had to leave him. In the middle of the night, Nian broke into the village. She found a big red paper on her door, lit a candle in the room, and burned a torch in the yard. _Year_ carefully came to the door, and suddenly came the _crackling_ sound in the courtyard. Then an old man in red came out laughing. _Nian_ was so scared that he ran out of the village. The original _year_ most afraid of red, fire and explosion sound!

The next day, the people who took refuge were very surprised to see that the village was safe and sound! The old woman suddenly realized that the villagers talked about the old man's promise. People flocked to their wives' and in laws' house. They saw red paper pasted in front of the door, and a pile of unburned bamboo in the courtyard was still _popping_ and several red candles in the room were still flashing. In fact, the old man is to help people mirror out _Nian_ immortals.

Since then, every new year's Eve, every family pastes couplets to set off firecrackers, and every household has bright lights to keep the new year. People call this traditional festival the Spring Festival.

After reading this book, I realized that the old beggar turned out to be a fairy. I was so moved that the _year_ was formed in this way. Now we also call it _Spring Festival_. I think this book is very popular. I have learned a lot from it. I really want more foreigners to know and understand the true meaning of the traditional Chinese festival _Spring Festival_. thank you!


The work went well.

Your student

Huang Ziming



申请信300字英文 篇6

Dear ,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to具体的活动。

The occasion will start at 时间。And ,对方在特定方面或领域的成绩, so we would like to invite you to.

Please inform me of your decision before June 25th. We would be particular honored by your distinguished presence at the ceremony and look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



申请信400字英文 篇7












申请信1000字英文 篇8

12 May

Dear Sir,

I am writing to ap* for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the Peoples General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.

As a result of the publication in 20xx of my article in New Scientist entitled _Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses _, which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the

University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.

Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Chen
